
to the website of the Gesellschaft für Deutsche Professoren Chinesischer Herkunft e.V. (GDPCH), a non-governmental organization (NGO) and not-for-profit organization. Founded in September 2006, the purpose of the society is the promotion of science and research. It especially supports the scientific and academic exchange between Germany and China.

德国洪堡大学终身教授,德国柏林心脏中心副院长,德国华人教授学会创始会员翁渝国教授于2017年6月26日在上海不幸去世。德国华人教授学会对翁教授的离世深表哀悼。李庆志教授的纪念文章 《 纪念翁渝国教授 》 道出了我们全体会员对翁教授辉煌成就的的崇敬和对他不幸离世的悲哀,特于转载并以此表达我们对翁教授的追思之情。


New book "我们在德国当教授" published by Wuhan University Press.

The 8th German-Chinese Professor Forum takes place at Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST) from March 30 to April 1, 2016.