Liqiu Meng / 孟立秋
Zur Person
- Geburtsort
Province Jiangsu, China
- Nationalität
- Titel
- Adresse
Chair of Cartography, Technical University of Munich, Arcisstr. 21, 80333 Munich
- Telefonnummer
- Email
- Homepage
- 1978.09 - 1982.07
Institute of Surveying and Mapping, People's
Liberation Army (China) / Cartography / B.Sc., Thesis: Computer-assisted
selection of settlements on official topographic maps
- 1982.08 - 1985.02
Institute of Surveying and Mapping, People's
Liberation Army (China) / Cartography / M.Sc., Thesis: Quantitative
measures of visual loading on topographic maps
- 1988.04 - 1993.02
University of Hanover (Germany) / Geodetic
engineering / Dr.-Ing., Thesis: Recognition of map texts with an
expert system
- 1996.06 - 1998.05
Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden)
/ Geomatics / Professorship qualification, Thesis: Automatic generalization
of geodata
Wissenschaftlicher Werdegang
- 1985.03 - 1988.03
Teaching assistant / Institute of Surveying
and Mapping, People's Liberation Army (China)
- 1993.02 - 1994.06
Research assistant / University of Hanover
- 1994.07 - 1996.09
Senior lecturer / University of Gävle
- 1996.10 - 1998.09
GIS senior consultant / SWECO Co. (Sweden)
- 1998.10 -
C4-Professor, Chair of Cartography / Technical University of Munich
- Pattern recognition
- Remote sensing and geospatial data mining
- Geo-data integration
- Visual analytics
- Multimodal navigation algorithm